Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Using Executive Resume Examples

Using Executive Resume ExamplesWhat is the benefit of Executive Resume Examples? A resume is a professional and personal resume that is a representation of you as an employee, a potential employee, a prospective client, or someone who has a particular skill. Resumes can be used to land a job, to help you get a new job, to help employers verify the skills and abilities you have, or to help you land a job in a certain company.There are some ways you can use the resume for employment, but there are some things you need to keep in mind when putting together your resume. First, in order to get the job you want, you need to have a professional resume. Secondly, it's important to get every detail right. Don't ever leave out important information, because that can lead to rejection.In order to find a professional resume example that will best represent your personality, qualifications, work experience, and any other relevant information, you can start your search at your own business career website. It's helpful to get the hiring manager or human resources manager to view your resume to help them make a decision. Then, you can follow up by sending the resume to at least three current employees or your own clients who might be able to show you exactly what you're looking for. You may even find someone who may be able to provide you with a sample of their own resume.There are many resources available online for free, so you can get started right away. However, if you are unable to find an example, you can look at examples that have been professionally written. These can be found at a variety of sites including the Times and CNN.com, or if you prefer, you can take advantage of the many job search sites that provide complete examples and sample resumes to choose from.If you have not heard of the use of an executive resume, you may be surprised to find out that there are companies that can help you create one. One such company, ResumeXpress, offers a free platform where you can upload your resume. You can then upload supporting documents, such as cover letters, as well as write the same statement under the paragraph you see on your resume.Another option for those who don't have access to a website is a free resume service such as Resume Revolution. You upload your resume, include all the necessary information and follow up with your contact information. The entire process takes about ten minutes.When you have a good resume, a professional resume, and an executive resume that fits your needs, you have the winning combination needed to land that job you've always wanted. However, you must keep in mind that getting hired is only half the battle. Once you've landed the job, you have to do everything possible to promote yourself and your skills and abilities, especially in the media.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Business Networking Tips

Business Networking Tips If you want to get ahead in this world, you have to network. Networking helps build confidence, connects you with like-minded professionals, and, if all goes well, networking can help improve your business’s bottom line. But are you doing the best you can do as a mover and shaker? Take a look at these networking tips for pros under age 40. 1. Muster up the Confidence to Go it Alone There’s always safety in numbers of course, but one of the big problems with going to a networking event with a friend or coworker is that you’ll tend to stick together instead of branching off on your own, thereby limiting your exposure to other networkers. Instead, think of networking like those times when your teacher told you to partner up with someone you didn’t know so well. There was a reason behind that â€" so you wouldn’t dilly-dally with your BFF, and instead give you a chance to make a new friend. Networking is just like that, but all grown-up. And since you’re an adult, be an adult about it â€" try going to the networking event alone and see what happens. “Some of the most beneficial and lasting networking I’ve done has tended to share one common theme: I’ve been on my own at the conference or event,” says Jaime Netzer, content editor of The Zebra. “So often, I’ll get introductions via coworkers, or head to industry-type events with friends. But if you can push yourself to go alone â€" and can handle those first few moments of feeling awkward and trying to figure out what to do with your hands â€" you’ll find that they’re totally worth it.” 2. Pay Attention to the Younger Generation I daresay that early on I was a victim to thinking very narrowly and only wanting to make contacts with people who were already in high places â€" while completely disregarding those who were on their way but not quite there yet. It’s a common networking faux pas that will not only limit your professional potential, but could also make you come off like a jerk. Dani Pascarella, 27-year-old founder and CEO of millennial personal finance and career site Invibed, reminds us to show some love to the little people. “Invite new analysts to coffee and give them advice. Help college students get their foot in the door at your company. Be a mentor. Do whatever you can to help others,” she says. “Most people ignore younger talent and focus on networking with really senior people. But I can’t tell you how many of the people I helped early in their careers that went on to be wildly successful. And those people were always willing to help me any way they could because I helped them early on, when most others were ignoring them.” 3. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for a Meeting Do you want a meeting with an influencer, someone with whom you think it would be beneficial (hopefully mutually) to be connected? Make the first move. As my mother always told me, the worst thing they can say is “no,” but you won’t know until you ask. “Don’t ever be afraid to ask someone to meet you for a coffee â€" I don’t care how important you think they are,” Pascarella says. “If you don’t ask, you’ll never get the opportunity. If you ask, at least you have a shot. And don’t take things personally if they say ‘no.’ There are three types of people in the world of networking: people who love it, people who don’t, and people who only participate if there’s something in it for them. Each person’s attitude towards networking plays a much larger role in whether they agree to meet with you than anything you could have said or done.” On the flip side, Ryan Modesto, managing partner at investment research firm 5i Research, suggests accepting any and all invitations from other professionals to meet. Because, well, you don’t like to be told “no,” do you? Neither do they. “You never know where a contact/connection may lead, so if you have a chance to do a coffee with someone more established, take it,” he says. “Even if they can’t help you directly, they may be able to pass you on to someone else who can help. This includes family, friends, friends of friends, etc.” 4. Just Don’t Ask for the Other Person’s Help Too Soon At this point you’ve got several meetings set up and you’re excited. SO many opportunities on the horizon. While you might be chomping at the bit to turn these connections into something more substantial â€" like a profit â€" don’t jump the gun. Nobody, in business or otherwise, likes to feel used. Let the relationship develop deeper and organically take its course. Push too soon and you could start to earn a reputation that will only work against you. “Networking is not about you; it’s about finding out about the other person, perhaps even uncovering what you can do for them,” motivational speaker Barry Maher says. “It’s about building some sort of relationship â€" even if it’s a quick and very short-term relationship â€" before trying to find out what they might be able to do for you. Without that relationship, you’re not networking; you’re cold calling, and there’s no more reason for that person to help you than any other stranger they might come across on the street.” 5. Remember to Share, Not Sell This sort of goes hand-in-hand with not asking for your new contact’s help too soon, so remember that this relationship you’re building is supposed to be one of mutual benefit. Avoid allowing it to teeter too far to your side by keeping a focus on sharing aspects of your career opposed to selling them. There’s a difference â€" one of them is genuine; the other isn’t. “For anyone networking, I suggest not being too pushy. Share; don’t sell,” says media relations and social media specialist Christina Nicholson. We all have our personal reasons for networking, but we cannot focus on those reasons entirely. Don’t act like a stereotypical used car salesman. Instead, be professional, but personal too.” 6. Try Your Hand at “Sweatworking” Personally, I’ve been on social sports teams for nearly a decade â€" kickball, dodgeball, bowling, trivia, and more â€" and I highly recommend these activities to help build your contact base. But keep in mind that the main focus is not professional networking â€" unless it’s a business team, of course â€" so don’t make it such. Rest assured, however, that over the weeks of play you’ll inevitably talk about what you do as a career and sometimes there’s a synergy that comes out of it. Close Modal DialogThis is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button. Career and life coach Jenn DeWall agrees. “Take networking from the bar to the outdoors or a gym,” she says. “By doing a physical activity or shared experience you can help create more meaningful relationships. The shared experience can also break the ice helping conversations smooth more easily, which can build confidence for both extroverts and introverts. For Millennials, this is especially effective as it reduces perceived too pushy or formal networking atmospheres that they feel they are not able to truly be themselves or authentic..” 7. Wear an Article of Clothing That’s Memorable Another one of my favorite â€" and very easy â€" networking tactics is to wear clothing that makes an impression. (A good impression, of course. Don’t show up looking like a clown, please.) When done well, your standout article of clothing is an icebreaker and a confidence booster simultaneously. Jenna Elkins is a media relations coordinator for TechnologyAdvice, and she’s familiar with this strategy. “Don’t over do it by wearing something bright head-to-toe,” she says, “but instead wear something small like bright shoes or a unique scarf. This is a great way for people to notice you and start small talk by mentioning your article of clothing.” While Jenna’s advice applies to women, career expert Allan Ageman didn’t forget about all you dapper gents out there. “It can be difficult to keep track of all the people you meet at a networking event, and as important as it is for you to remember you new acquaintances, it’s equally important that they remember you,” he says. “Wear something identifiable but still professional, such as a brightly colored blouse or polka dot bow tie.” 8. Sit Near the Bar if You Lack the Confidence to Approach Others This advice to stake a claim near the bar doesn’t mean that you should start throwing back cold ones like it’s Super Bowl Sunday. Order one drink, stand there, and sip on it. This tactic is to help those of you who aren’t outwardly confident enough to approach strangers by taking a passive approach to networking and letting the conversation come to you. Elkins explains how this works more in depth. “Generally, if someone wants to be excused from the person they are networking with, many times the bar is a place many people head to when wanting to switch it up a bit,” she says. “One way to strike up a conversation with the networkers who visit the bar is by simply introducing yourself. Most of the time people spend a few minutes waiting for their drink, so this is a great time to make small talk that could turn into a longer conversation. Just don’t stay at the bar for too long â€" you don’t want to give people the wrong impression.” 9. Try Pre-Networking to Break Down a Few Barriers Another tactic that can help ease the awkwardness of approaching and meeting strangers at an event is to establish contact beforehand. Social media gives you all the tools to do this in order to make the actual event more comfortable â€" and give you an edge up on other networkers. “Still not feeling confident?” Ageman asks. “Check out the Facebook group or online event page to see who else will be attending. Try looking them up on LinkedIn and connecting with them prior to the event. Having a short conversation with people beforehand can make you feel more confident at the event.” 10. Always, Always, Always Follow Up And finally, let’s not forget our post-networking manners. If you’ve met someone â€" doesn’t matter who they are or what they do â€" it’s wise to follow up afterward with a quick “Nice to meet you!”‘ memo via email. You’ll solidify your status as a consummate professional via this practice, and the recipients will remember you more than most of the other dozen or so people with whom they may have chatted the day before. One chat near the bar does not a business relationship make. You have to cultivate the relationship, and a message about what a pleasure it was to meet a person is the perfect way to continue. Read next: Simple Ways to Master the Art of Networking More From Wise Bread: 25 Career Changes You Can Make Today 15 Career Advice Sites You Should Know About 15 Simple Networking Tricks 25 Career Changes You Can Make Today 15 Career Advice Sites You Should Know About 15 Simple Networking Tricks

Saturday, April 11, 2020

6 Tips To Keep Office Morale High After The Summer - Work It Daily

6 Tips To Keep Office Morale High After The Summer - Work It Daily The end of the summer always seems anticlimactic. No more beach vacations, barbecues, or longer daylight hours. As fall comes slinking in, you may find that office employees go through a post-summer slump. Things may start to seem monotonous and office staff may have a difficult time being productive. But there are ways that you can keep the office atmosphere lively and fun, helping to boost employee morale and productivity. Here are some tips to get your employees more energized and eager to be at work: Bring Food If you bring food, they will come. Plan some working lunches that are catered or occasionally order pizza. Organize office potlucks where everyone brings a food related to a theme (e.g. Mexico, luau). On employee birthdays, have cake in the break room. Food is an excellent way to bring people together, even for 15 minutes of eating and chatting. Something as simple as bringing doughnuts in the morning shows employees that you value them. Get Some Friendly Competition Going Business Knowledge Source recommends planning team pick-up games to give employees an opportunity to blow off steam and build relationships. Starting leagues or joining them also is great for team building and uniting the office around activities that don’t have to do with work. Fantasy Football leagues are another way to get competition going and to connect people on non-working issues and this is something that people are able to participate in even when the winter weather hits. Recognition Everyone needs some recognition and affirmation in order to feel valued. Send birthday cards and recognize important milestones, like marriages and new babies. If someone is seriously ill, send a care package. You can also host quarterly awards, recognizing specific employees for achievements and longevity. Office Parties Nothing builds camaraderie quite like an office party. Celebrate holidays (make sure you are culturally sensitive), and decorate for the theme. You can have costume contests on Halloween and gift swaps for the winter holidays. Don’t forget to make sure there’s food! Community Service HRWorld suggests using an afternoon to get out of the office and work together on a community service project, like picking up litter or volunteering at Habitat for Humanity. Not only will staff feel good about themselves, this is a great team building opportunity. Within the office, you can organize food drives or other charitable donations. An office that gives back together, stays together. Get Out of the Office It helps to see each other outside of the usual four walls. Plan occasional lunch outings and happy hour get-togethers. If employees enjoy each other’s company, their teamwork in the office will be that much stronger. This article was written by Social Media Outreach Coordinator Harrison Kratz on behalf of CAREEREALISM-Approved Partner, 2tor â€" an education technology company that partners with institutions of higher education such as the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to deliver a one of the top online MBA degrees. Photo Credit: Shutterstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!